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Have you entered our current giveaway?

To enter: Follow us on social media, look for our current giveaway post and follow the instructions posted there! It's that easy! Also, visit our blog, find the current giveaway post and enter there too!

Instagram: loulousfabricshop


Twitter: loulousfabric



Summer Holiday Giveaway: Fat Quarter Bundle of Parade on Main by Samantha Walker. Entry open now! Winner selected and announced July 5th!

               Winner: Instagram User ktwink!

February Giveaway: Spring Bunny Fat Quarter Bundle by Stacy Iest Hsu! This bundle also includes one of Stacy's darling coordinating doll panels!


June, July, August:  Four Charm Packs: Juniper Berry, Bumble Berries, Lullaby, Sun Drops! AND, Ribbon Play Table Runner Pattern by Taunja Kelvington of Carried Away Quilting, AND a 4-piece set of the Sew Much Attitude Towels, AND a three piece magnet set!

WINNER: Instagram User - reithahall


May, Under The Christmas Tree Fat quarter Bundle Winner: Instagram user: Lillyfieldsquilts

April Winner of a Fat Quarter Bundle of Little Miss Sunshine: Blog Commenter OhioLori

March Winner: Judy Haynes & friend Donna Gamble



February Winner: Misti Creach

January Winner: Julesquilts



December Winner: Shauna Adams Pope



November Winner: Vonsewin


October Winner: Mallory Current

September Winner: Instagram User - Tukidre








August Winner: Instagram user -  jenwith01









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