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About Us

Welcome and thank you for your interest in learning a little more about LouLou's Fabric Shop. 

 LouLou's began with a fabric obsession. No, really! After spending hours and hours perusing fabric shops, we thought we'd dive into a fabric shop of our own in hopes of sharing and growing our passion for quilting, all the while feeding our obsession and yours. Modern designs and fabrics are a favorite of LouLou's. Our goal is to provide fabric options that are both trendy and timeless in order for you to create projects that are loved now and treasured forever.

With our selections of precuts, bundles, yardage, patterns and notions handpicked from our favorite designers, it is our hope that you will find just what you are looking for. If you are looking for something specific in our shop and don't see it, send us an email and we'd love to see if we can get it for you. It is also our hope that every customer leaves our shop a happy customer.


Owner/Operator: Jamie Eggett
I love, love, love to sew and quilt. When I was just little, my mother taught me how to cross-stitch and my love of sewing and creating grew from there. I am mostly self-taught and I always like to tweak patterns to make them my own.
Aside from sewing and quilting, my passions include cooking, baking, horseback riding, camping, and pretty much anything outdoors. I am a self proclaimed foodie, recovering perfectionist and serial entrepreneur. I love anything and everything coconut. My favorite past time is cuddling in bed with a big bowl of popcorn while watching a baseball game. Go Angels!





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