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January Monthly Giveaway!

Posted on January 14 2016

WINNER: Julesquilts - email with a shipping address to claim this bundle.

It's time, It's time, Yippee! Who doesn't love free fabric?!

How about a Fat Quarter Bundle of October Afternoon's Farm Girl collection for Riley Blake? It's full of cherries, roses, canning jars, cows, pigs, sheep and my personal favorite, canning labels! Not to mention, the cute little red-headed farm girl in her pig tails and overalls! All sorts of farm cuteness in one fun fat quarter bundle!

Right?! Am I right?! My mind is spinning with ideas for these fabrics!



To enter: Comment with your favorite "farm" experience. Yup, it's that easy! 

Oh, and find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to enter there too!


  • Marty: February 06, 2016

    One of my fondest memories was playing Children of the corn with an older cousin and my little sister. My sister and I were to young to know what Children of the corn was. But that didn’t stop us playing it with our cousin. And it wasn’t corn where we played but the Hay field used for the dairy cows. We were one of the few living things left on the dairy farm at that time. But it was still a wonderous time and plac.

  • Kylie Kelsheimer: January 31, 2016

    I grew up on a farm! My favorite experiences are many but riding on my grandpa’s lap in the tractor will always be a sweet memory to me. We didn’t get many years together so my time with him is precious. Feeding the calves and piglets in the spring by bottle WA always awesome too! Love this fabric and your shop.

  • Joan G: January 31, 2016

    We were on the farm for at least 4 weeks of the summer. We thought we big stuff when we started riding the cows and were having a ball, until several of us fell off right into the manure and then are parents lined us up to take the hose to all of us. So right there in the middle of the drive way we stripped and got hosed down, because we weren’t going in the house smelling that bad.

  • Dori R.: January 30, 2016

    My farm experiences are few and far between but the first experience that comes mind was feeding goats. I had pellets in a paper cup and ws feeding them 2 or 3 at a time when one goat ripped the cup out of my hand and ate the whole thing…I was terrified and began crying.

  • Nadine Smith: January 30, 2016

    The little girl looks like my grandaughter when her curly hair has been washed & plaited . Lovely fabric

  • Sonya M: January 30, 2016

    My favorite farm experience would have to be visiting the Amish farms in Lancaster County, PA. I absolutely LOVE going there! It’s as though time ticks by a little slower… SO relaxing! One of these days, I’m going to get to hug one of those cows!

  • Diane: January 29, 2016

    I grew up in the suburbs. The only “farm” experience I ever had was feeding goats at a local amusement park! I still remember those goats even though it was so many years ago.

  • F.L.: January 29, 2016

    Growing up on a farm and continuing the tradition of gardening, canning, and quilting.

  • Cath Carpio: January 29, 2016

    My favorite farm experience was planting the rows in the garden with my Grandfather. My job was to haul the bucket with the fish heads and pop one in each hole before each plant went into the ground. Boy did our garden grow! My job was smelly but as a girl I loved to work in the garden. Now as an adult I still use that smelly trick to make my garden grow and have handed the fish bucket on to my kids! :)

  • Misti Creach: January 28, 2016

    My favorite part of beng raised on a farm was seeing and hearing Dad’s peacocks everyday. I didn’t realize at the time what a rarity that was, as a little kid I thought everybody had peacocks on the farm. :)

  • auschick: January 27, 2016

    Our county has a public farm that’s free to visit, so I love taking my kids there! sometime last year we were there and got to see a kid being born!

  • Yolanda C: January 27, 2016

    I am a southern born, deep south, forty something young lady who grew up on an agricultural farm. I see these fabrics and they bring back great memories of wonderful home grown fresh foods. Cute fabrics! Thanks for the chance at the give-a-way.

  • Deb Leake: January 27, 2016

    Grew up on this farm right out my window so chickens flopping around was most clear even years later. Remember!!

  • Deb Leake: January 27, 2016

    I know it is a weird email but it all has to do with football. My first love is fabric and red hair. Thanks for the chance and so glad to know about your shop!

  • karen mc: January 27, 2016

    37 years ago I left the city and started becoming a ‘hip country gal.’ I have a quarter acre garden where I grow just about every fruit & vegetable that comes up in Illinois soil. Our next project is raising chickens.

  • Lynnette: January 27, 2016

    I grew up on a farm and my favorite experience was after working most of the day building fence, my brother & I would ride our bikes up to the swimming hole at the state park just 1/2 mile from our home. Cooling off in the lake was so refreshing!

  • Towona: January 27, 2016

    Milking cows at my uncles dairy farm and canning jelly with my aunt.

    And I fell in love with this scrapbook line years ago!! LOVE the fabric :)

  • Susan Grancio: January 27, 2016

    Picking apples at an orchard near our home when we lived in MA.

  • Joni Payne: January 26, 2016

    My favorite farm experience was when our heifer delivered twins. I had no idea that cows had twins! It was a huge surprise to us. After realizing that she was having trouble with the delivery of the second calf we called a vet out (3:00am) to help. It turned into a family job because my husband & son had to help the vet pull the calf. Sadly, the second calf died after thirty minutes. It was an experience that I’ll never forget.

  • Genee Davis: January 25, 2016

    I grew up on a dairy farm. We also had hogs, beef, and chickens. Gardening was a way of life, canning our food for the year. So when I was in 4th or 5th grade, we ran out of jelly for our afternoon pbj’s after school. …..I kept the jelly packet from lunches and brought them home! ;-) My grandfather was in hospital with cancer at the time, so jelly wasn’t a priority of course. He found the story hilariously funny and sent all his jelly packs home to me! You see, I didn’t realize you could BUY jelly! We never went inside the grocery store when mom went shopping! Lol

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