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March Monthly Giveaway!

Posted on March 08 2016

Rumor has it that many of you have been anxiously waiting for the arrival of Sweetwater's Volume ll! You are not alone! We are in love with this reproduction! How would you like to win a yard or two...or four? This month we are giving away yardage, not to only one of you, but to you and a friend! It's always more fun to sew with a friend, right? Two yards for you and two yards for your sewing buddy. You can mix and match by the 1/2 yard cut or you can choose 2 yards of the same.

To enter: Tell us who you sewing buddy is and why? How does he/she inspire you? I know you probably have a sewing posse that inspires you, but for giveaway purposes, it can only be split two ways. You can however, enter multiple times with different sewing buddies. 

Also, visit us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to enter there too!

Ta ta for now! Happy sewing!!


  • Lori Smanski: February 22, 2023

    Mary Peckus is not really a “sewing buddy” meaning we dont sew together, but we encourage each other and will share patterns and fabrics. She sews for her grandchildren and I sew for my great niece and great nephew. We love to talk about and encourage each other to follow our passion in giving

  • Lori Smanski: February 22, 2023

    My sewing buddy is our son. I taught him to sew when he was young. He picked it up so fast and loved it. I love sewing with him. He has always encouraged me to do my best but dont worry about being perfect. He is a Taylor in his own right now. He is well respected in the reenacting community. First it was with civil war reenacting and now with WW2 reenacting. When he and his father did civil war reenacting, I made quilts and shirts and vests and under drawers for him and his father. He would make his woolen pants, jacket. My husband would make his own pants and jackets.

  • Lori Smanski: February 22, 2023

    my sewing buddy is my husband. I love to sew/quilt for around the house and for others and quilt for family land friends. My husband loves to sew reenacting mens clothes.

  • LINDA DOUGLAS: April 13, 2022

    Hi, my Sewing Buddy, is my daughter Beth, we love all things to do with Fabrics! Sharing ideas and neat patterns is so much fun! If it is made with THREAD, we love it ! Thanks for sharing a neat Giveaway!

  • Lea: March 29, 2022

    I don’t have a sewing buddy. We ended up moving away and my neighbor was my sewing buddy. We would get together and work on charity quilts together. My husband however, even though he doesn’t sew has helped me with the layout of quilt blocks in the past. And he will again. He’s got a good eye for color.

  • Donna: March 29, 2022

    My friend, Jo Kramer, is my inspiration – she has connected me with others to make charity quilts and also is very generous with her free patterns.

  • Cyndy Lipe: March 16, 2022

    My sister-in-law is my sewing buddy. I recently had shoulder surgery and she has been cutting all my fabric for me so I can sew my blocks together. She also has been quilting my quilts and putting the bindings on for me. I will never be able to repay her for everything she has done for me.

  • Barb Kaup: March 15, 2022

    My sewing buddy is my daughter—she makes a lot of projects and gives a lot of them away and always has lots of ideas for new things!!

  • Rita: March 15, 2022

    I have 2 good friends who are sewing buddies. We started sewing together before the pandemic to improve our machine quilting skills and to learn how to use rulers on our domestic machines. We propped each other up during the pandemic and have become better quilters!

  • Anita Jackson: March 15, 2022

    My current sewing buddy is my sister! She is so devoted to her newest love of stitching up designs and we share out latest and greatest creations with each other. We gift each other with fabrics and watch each other sew. I take all of her scraps to make scrappy quilts and she gets lots of amazing leathers to make some cute little purses to share!

  • Debbie Bahr: March 12, 2022

    My sewing buddy is my SIL. She just started machine embroidering and got me thinking to do a hand sewed baby quilt for my new granddaughter. It’s been years (25) seen I sewed more than a button on a shirt. Forgot how much I loved it.

  • Sue Wolschon: March 04, 2022

    My sewing/craft/baking buddy is a great friend I made from my work 30 plus years ago. She inspires me with everything she does. She does beautiful work and is such a great friend.

  • Brenda Ackerman: March 24, 2021

    My sewing budding is my best friend who we met while attending college classes together and I watched her girls for her the night that her and her husband decided to have an actual small wedding (they had just wed at the court house prior). We have been inspiring one another for 35 years now! One of our favorite ways to inspire one another is to find a project we want to make and then we print it out and take a selection of scraps over to them and challenge them to create a “masterpiece” with the supplies given to them. We have a blast! Thank you for this opportunity!!

  • Linda Bee: March 23, 2021

    My sewing buddy is Irene. She and I talk and share ideas and fabric all the time. When she finds a new project she inspires me to either try it with her or to find something else we can work on together. Wonderful giveaway. Good luck to everyone.

  • Meloney : March 23, 2021

    My sewing buddies are a group at our local Grange. They are the sweetest folks and for beginners, they inspire all the time.

  • Bea Ann Hunter: March 23, 2021

    My sewing buddy is my neighbor, she’s 84 and introduced me to other sewing buddies. Love those ladies ❤️

  • Joan Lipera: March 21, 2021

    My sewing buddy is Patty. She is the best because we push each other to make beautiful quilts. I love to fabric shop with her and we never even argue!

  • Pat : April 28, 2020

    My sewing buddy is Colleen. Retreat, shop hop and sew together! She is an inspiration as she does complicated projects.

  • Pat : April 28, 2020

    My sewing buddy is Colleen. Retreat, shop hop and sew together! She is an inspiration as she does complicated projects.

  • kathy Persons: March 18, 2020

    My sewing buddy was my SIL> She passed away less than a year ago so still adapting that change.

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