January Monthly Giveaway!

Posted on January 14 2016

WINNER: Julesquilts - email jamie@loulousfabricshop.com with a shipping address to claim this bundle.

It's time, It's time, Yippee! Who doesn't love free fabric?!

How about a Fat Quarter Bundle of October Afternoon's Farm Girl collection for Riley Blake? It's full of cherries, roses, canning jars, cows, pigs, sheep and my personal favorite, canning labels! Not to mention, the cute little red-headed farm girl in her pig tails and overalls! All sorts of farm cuteness in one fun fat quarter bundle!

Right?! Am I right?! My mind is spinning with ideas for these fabrics!



To enter: Comment with your favorite "farm" experience. Yup, it's that easy! 

Oh, and find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to enter there too!


  • Julie in GA: January 16, 2016

    I used to love going to Dairy Breakfasts in June back in Wisconsin.

  • Barbara : January 16, 2016

    I was raised in Chicago and married a farmer from Indiana! We raised pigs and crops and I Loved the farm life. Circumstances moved us off the farm but my husband has stayed in animal agriculture and we are very closely tied to that life. Thanks for the giveaway.

  • Judy: January 16, 2016

    I learned how to can food with my grandmother. My grandfather had a huge vegetable garden, and there was plenty for us to “put up.” When we had our own little farm, I was still canning. Then many years went by without canning, but I finally got back to it this year! I still love it. That fabric is the cutest.

  • Fred: January 16, 2016

    When I was a kid, my parents had a huge vegetables garden, and my sisters and I had a small parcel. Each of us had a reserved area, and I remember having beautiful carrots! What a fun to plant, take care of the small growing veggies, and the pleasure (and pride!) to eat them! My parents were very kind, because from now, I’m not sure they were so beautiful carrots!!
    But I still love living with plants, and inside my appartment right now, I’m growing cherry tomatoes!

  • Liz: January 15, 2016

    I would visit my Aunt & Uncle’s farm every summer as a child and I remember riding horses through fields of wildflowers. It was so beautiful.

  • Chris: January 15, 2016

    I live on a farm so everyday is a new experience. When my grandchildren, city dwellers, visit it is amusing. One day the youngest came in the house with a black snake on a stick. “Grandma, can I take this one home with me?” His Mom said “No.”

  • Lori Morton: January 15, 2016

    I lived in a foster home when I was about 4yrs old..I remember the barn & playing in the hay, & the bigger kids jumping from the loft. Scary thing tho..the cow always bent the fence over & chased us up onto the porch by kitchen door! lol

  • Rina: January 15, 2016

    I grew up on a working farm and one of my favorite memories happened after the hay was put in the barn. We kids would climb to the top of the stacks and jump off into all the loose hay at the bottom. I thought my second mom was going to have a heart attack the first time she caught us.

  • Connie: January 15, 2016

    My aunt and uncle lived on a farm. I can remember the day we went to visit and they were dressing chickens. Could not eat a bite for dinner. But she always had the best cobblers. Fresh black berries from the woods near their farm.

  • Connie: January 15, 2016

    My aunt and uncle lived on a farm. I can remember the day we went to visit and they were dressing chickens. Could not eat a bite for dinner. But she always had the best cobblers. Fresh black berries from the woods near their farm.

  • Lee: January 15, 2016

    I grew up in north Michigan on 40 acres – farming county! Love wide open meadows and the sound of spring peepers!

  • Carolyn: January 15, 2016

    I grew up on a Minnesota family farm and have many fond memories, but one of my favorites is when a flock of baby chicks was brought home from the hatchery in the early spring. These peeping little balls of yellow fluff were fascinating to watch. Best of all was when our dog would try to mother and herd these fragile, tiny creatures. She was such a gentle soul that she never hurt even one chick.

  • Karen: January 15, 2016

    favorite farm experience milking the cow the old fashioned way and then skimming the cream off the top and put it in an old fashioned butter churn – after a little work we would have nice thick rich creamy butter -

  • Quilty: January 15, 2016

    My parents have rabbits, and I just love seeing those cute little bunnies jumping, moving their fun noze, and eating starring at you peacefully!!

  • Joanne V: January 15, 2016

    My sister lives on a farm and I love going to visit. I love walking out to the chicken run to collect eggs in the morning, gathering produce from their HUGE garden for dinner, and visiting with all the furry ones! They even have a Jersey cow they are milking by hand now – going to give that a try on my next visit! lol There should be some baby lamb love next time I’m out there as well – can’t beat that! :)

  • Claire Ross: January 15, 2016

    As a child I loved visiting a small animal farm called Lamont Farm near our home. I got my first rabbit from there and still have pet rabbits 30 odd years later xx

  • Chrissie w: January 15, 2016

    I am lucky enough to live on a 10 acre hobby farm in North Central saskatchewan. My favourite part of living here is the animals. We have horses, chickens, cats and a dog. I want to get a cow next.

  • Kathy E.: January 15, 2016

    My husband grew up on a farm and we often took our children to visit their grandparents who continued to live there for many years. I have wonderful memories of both of the kids riding the tractor with their
    “Bompa” and chasing the cats around the yard. Sitting in the front yard on the swings was a favorite way to spend the summer evenings, looking out over the fields.

  • Emily: January 15, 2016

    I grew up on a “hobby farm” where we had chickens, horses, and always either a cow, pigs, or sheep. My husband grew up on a real farm and learned to tractor and milk and work hard. We live in the city now, and it’s so fun to go back to the farm and watch our kids ride the tractor with their dad and do jobs for their grandpa. My oldest, who is almost 10, said this the last time we were there and he helped hail wood to the big basement stove to heat the house when it was -5 outside, “Mom this is hard work, but it kind of makes me feel good, and we’re bringing wood to heat the house and we can all be warm! Wait where’s our fire at home?” It made me laugh and warmed my heart.

  • Wanda B.: January 15, 2016

    My favorite farm memory was helping my Grandpa feed the cows. One cow had a solid white face and big brown eyes.

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